
The Helping Angels

They do not belong among the praised doctors, nurses, patient care technicians or assistants. They are invisible among the hospital employees and the very last on the payroll. They are unobtrusive, clever, hardworking, accommodating, friendly and consistent, professional, careful and above all absolutely indispensable. In the hospital slang they are called the support staff. I chose to focus my long-term series on the work of the support staff of long-term patients ward and long-term intensive care ward at the hospital in Nové Město na Moravě. I had the opportunity to peek into their daily routines and I believe that these people deserve our greatest gratitude for their demanding work. Gratitude for a work that is not equally rewarded, for a work that is of the utmost importance and for a work that unfortunately comes as a commonplace for most of us. Thank you for your existence and for the way you are, for me you are always be The Helping Angels.

Jana Mašterová

freelance photographer
My name is Jana Mašterová. While my original degree is from the field of mining engineering i chose to pursue the media of photography. I am currently studying at The Institute of Creative Photography at The Silesian University in Opava.