
The situation at the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing the day after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

This series of photos captures the situations at the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing the day after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Immediately after the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, women with children crossed the Ukrainian-Slovak border, and a large part had no clear destination where they were going. Hopelessness and fear of what will happen to them and their children was clearly visible in the mothers´ eyes. This is what the second day at the border looked like, when we could not even imagine what horrors Russia would inflict during the invasion. I did not influence the scene in any way or give any instructions to the subject in the photo.

Marko Erd

professional photographer, Denník SME
At the age of thirteen, I started to study photography, then I chose high school, where I studied photography. After school, I was drawn to journalistic photography and I started working at the Slovak Press Agency SITA. After gaining experience, I tried my luck at the The News Agency of the Slovak Republic - TASR, where I worked for three years. In 2018, I received a job offer from newspaper Denník SME, which I accepted and I have been working there for four years now.